How do I get wrinkles out of my Miik clothing?

To remove wrinkles from your Miik clothing, we recommend two methods: ironing or hanging to smooth out the wrinkles.

  1. Ironing: Set your iron to the appropriate temperature for the fabric type (refer to the care label).
  2. Hanging: For less stubborn wrinkles, hanging the garment in a well-ventilated area can often help. Choose a spot where the garment can hang freely and let gravity work to naturally release the wrinkles. You can also lightly mist the garment with water to aid in the wrinkle-smoothing process.

Please note that certain delicate fabrics may require extra care and caution when ironing. Always refer to the care instructions provided on the garment's care label or product page for specific guidelines.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance with wrinkle removal, feel free to contact our customer support team. We're here to help you keep your Miik clothing looking its best.

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